
Baby Brother on the Way by Zack Wussow

Jessica contacted me about doing some maternity photos of her growing family.


We met at Valley Falls Park in Vernon, a convenient spot for both of us and one of my favorite haunts when I lived in town.


It took a some time to win over their little one (a common problem with two-year-olds) but we got there, and got some great photos of this adorable family.


Some of my favorite photos were a set poking fun at their contrasting taste in books…


…and a bunch just messing around with their daughter, who much preferred being the center of attention.


I’m looking forward to meeting their son in August!

Marissa and Jan by Zack Wussow

(Finally, the third wedding from my very busy weekend in October.)

It's a fact of the wedding business that you are constantly popping into and out of people's lives. One day you sign a contract, months later you're part of the inner circle for one of their most important days of their lives, and then you're back to being strangers. It's weird.

Which is why it's always such a pleasure to work with people who really are good friends of mine.

Some of my clients will recognize Marissa - she has often worked for me as a second shooter at weddings. We met back in our college days, during long nights toiling in the darkroom.

Over the last couple years, she's caught me up whenever we worked together about her and Jan buying a house in the country, and then pouring themselves into fixing it up. (It helps that Jan is a contractor.) I could tell from the way Marissa talks about Jan that he was something special, but I've never had a chance to meet him until their wedding.

It's clear she's made a good choice.

I can't say how happy it makes me to see my friend so clearly in love with a man who so clearly loves her.

Congratulations, Marissa and Jan!